

Dreamsploitation   John Carrol Kirby     Toro y Moi    GAS     Nick Drake   Beach House
Louis Cole         Haircuts for Men      Radiohead     Her's   De-Phazz     Eluvium
Saint Pepsi        Broken Social Scene   Mac DeMarco   Ott     t e l e p a t h テレパシー能力


Gödel, Escher, Bach          Accelerando    Flowers for Algernon
Ender's Game                 Siddhartha     Unsong
The Illuminatus! Trilogy     Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance


It's Such a Beautiful Day    The Matrix         Baraka         Blade Runner
Before Sunrise               Star Wars (IV)     Hero (2002)    Princess Mononoke
End of Evangelion            Dr. Strangelove    Waking Life    Enter The Void


Nirvanna the Band the Show    Darkplace    The IT Crowd
Xavier: Renegade Angel        Portlandia   Freaks and Geeks


Nichijō    Madoka Magica    Space Dandy    Mushishi
Berserk    Death Note       Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

Video Games:

Deus Ex               N            Psychonauts      Return of the Obra Dinn
Shining Force         Tetris       Braid            Smash Bros.
Getting Over It       Receiver     Superhot         Cloud (2005)
I Wanna Be the Guy    Grow Home    Outer Wilds      Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory

Programming Heroes:

John Carmack      djb   Rob Pike
D. Richard Hipp   rsc   Arthur Whitney
Jonathan Blow     Mel   ~tasfyn-partyv


Raymond Smullyan - Is God a Taoist?
Raymond Smullyan - Planet Without Laughter
Scott Alexander - Answer to Job
Joseph Weizenbaum - Science and the Compulsive Programmer
Tomas Young - The Last Letter
Linds Redding - The Overnight Test
Steven Millhauser - In the Reign of Harad IV
Eric S. Raymond - Dancing With The Gods
Eliezer Yudkowsky - That Alien Message
Nick Bostrom - Letter from Utopia
Robert M. Pirsig - Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: Afterword
David Foster Wallace - Good Old Neon
Matt Lakeman - Against Dog Ownership

Visual Art:

Van Gogh - Self Portrait with Gray Felt Hat
Gustave Doré - The Empyrean
Gustav Klimt - The Kiss
Waldemar Fink - Evening in Adelboden
Franz Marc - The Foxes
John Singer Sargent - Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose
Rassouli - Joy Riders


Croyez ceux qui cherchent la vérité, doutez de ceux qui la trouvent.
  - André Gide

It's not true unless it makes you laugh, but you don't understand until it makes
you weep.
  - Robert Anton Wilson

I really only love god as much as I love the person I love the least.
  - Dorothy Day

if you don't become the ocean
you'll be seasick
every day
  - Leonard Cohen

The ultimate weapon has always existed. Every man, every woman, and every child
owns it. It's the ability to say 'No' and take the consequences.
  - Robert Anton Wilson

Because ten billion years' time is so fragile, so ephemeral... it arouses such
a bittersweet, almost heartbreaking fondness.
  - Now and Then, Here and There

If we could feel what we are doing to the Earth, we would stop immediately.
  - Terence McKenna

Pity me that the heart is slow to learn
What the swift mind beholds at every turn.
  - Edna St. Vincent Millay

Whenever you are alone, remind yourself that God has sent everyone else away so
that there is only you and Him.
  - Rumi

The more constraints one imposes, the more one frees oneself of the chains that
shackle the spirit... the arbitrariness of the constraint only serves to obtain
precision of execution.
  - Igor Stravinsky

Once, twice, or at the very most, three times, fate will reach out and tap a man
on the shoulder.
  - George S. Patton

I would like to understand things better, but I don’t want to understand them
  - Douglas Hofstadter

If the world were perfect, it wouldn't be.
  - Yogi Berra

A writer is someone for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people.
  - Thomas Mann

A lot of people pass through the thinking "I'm a guru" and take enough trips
to understand that no, I was just a witness. I was just a witness.
  - Terence McKenna


During Yom Kippur, the rabbi is seized by a sudden wave of guilt, and
prostrates himself and cries, “God, I am nothing before you!” The cantor is
likewise seized by guilt, and cries, “God, I am nothing before you!” Seeing
this, the janitor at the back of the synagogue prostrates himself and cries,
“God, I am nothing before you!” And the rabbi nudges the cantor and whispers,
“Look who thinks he’s nothing.”

A novice was trying to fix a broken Lisp machine by turning the power off and
on. Knight, seeing what the student was doing, spoke sternly: “You cannot fix
a machine by just power-cycling it with no understanding of what is going
wrong.” Knight turned the machine off and on. The machine worked.

I remember a story about a conversation at a dinner party where all the people 
were discussing what they thought was going to happen after death. Whether they
would simply be extinguished, or whether they’d be reincarnated, or whatever.
And present at the dinner there was a very respectable country squire who was on
the vestry of the local church. Very pious. And finally the hostess said to him,
“Sir Roger, you haven’t said anything in the conversation this evening! What do
you think is going to happen to you when you die?” He said, “I’m perfectly sure
that I shall go to heaven and enjoy everlasting bliss, but I wish you wouldn’t
raise such a depressing subject.”

A mathematician is working at his desk in his office. His cigarette falls off
the desk into the wastebasket, causing the papers within to burst into flames.
He looks at the fire, looks at the fire extinguisher, and thinks for a minute,
says "Ah! A solution exists!" and goes back to work.